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CBC-C3 Mid-Autumn Festival Celebrations

  • Calvary Baptist Church 48 Wan Tho Avenue Singapore, , 347592 Singapore (map)

Calvary Baptist Church, together with Calvary Community Care (C3), will be organizing a Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节) celebration! Look forward to a time of food, games, music performances, and activities such as lantern-making and tea-tasting. This event will not be evangelistic, but hopes to serve as a platform for Calvarians to get to know others around our community.

Date: 23 September 2023, Saturday
Venue: Calvary Baptist Church
Tickets: $5/pax

Invite Friends & Family!

Calvarians are welcome to invite their friends and family (especially prebelieving ones) to join in the festivities. Get your tickets ($5 each) at the tickets booth in the Courtyard on Sunday! Tickets are limited.

Sign Up As a Befriender Volunteer (Free Admission!)

We will be inviting 90 of C3’s senior beneficiaries and 20 of St John’s Home senior beneficiaries to attend the event. The committee is looking for 50 Calvarian volunteers to host our guests and to befriend them. If you are interested, please sign up on Sunday at the ticketing booth in the Courtyard.

Later Event: September 24
Family Sunday & FBM (September)