Our Sunday services consist of worship through songs and preaching from the Bible for people of diverse background.
Adults (English)
Calvary’s main congregation comprises an English-speaking community that fellowships together and is served by two Sunday services.
Children/Electric Kids Company (EKC)
EKC seeks to reach and nurture children to know Christ and to make Him known, with a focus on knowing God’s word and reflecting Jesus.
Young Adults (YA)
YA aims to establish young adults to be mature in Christ, facilitating opportunities for God’s truths to be taught and shared.
Adults (Mandarin & Hokkien) - 中文部
The Chinese congregation (both Mandarin- and Hokkien-speaking worshippers) gathers for a Mandarin worship service every Sunday. Hokkien fellowship and an online Hokkien service is also available every week.
Youth/Youths of Calvary (YOC)
YOC caters to youths within the church, enabling them to grow as disciples through learning from and living out God’s Word.
Evergreen helps older members of the church build each other up in faith and unity, through regular gatherings.
Part of Calvary’s Family Life ministry, individuals and couples are discipled to foster and build God-loving relationships at home.
Marriage Ministry provides guidance on building biblical marriages, primarily through Family Mentors and Marriage Preparation Class.
Women reaching Women (WrW)
WrW is a community for women to journey together and live out God’s Word daily.
Parenting Ministry equips parents to build a foundation of practising faith at home, and grow as spiritual leaders of their household.