We love God, and want to serve Him by using the spiritual gifts, time, and energy we've been given to serve each other, our communities, and even other nations.


There are many opportunities for every Christian to serve. If you have been coming to Calvary Baptist Church for some time and would like to find out more about the various areas of service and/or join in serving, please email us at serve@calvary.org.sg or check out available ministry opportunities in the church below:

The sections below include examples of formal ministries one can serve in.

Community Outreach


Calvary Baptist Church organises initiatives to love and serve the neighbourhoods around us in practical ways.

We also partner Calvary Community Care (C3), a non-profit voluntary welfare organisation based in Potong Pasir to serve the community, with initiatives for the elderly, youths, and children.



At Calvary, we seek to build an environment of love and warmth by welcoming every visitor to our church, just as Jesus has welcomed each one of us into His family.

Those serving as befrienders arrive early, and stay on after services to get to know guests more personally. They are friendly, approachable, and available to serve at least once a month.



We take seriously Jesus’ command for us to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matt. 28:19-20). Our heart is to see the nations come to know Jesus.

Calvary Baptist Church has three focus areas across Asia where we support ongoing gospel ministry work, and the Missions Committee helps to oversee, strategise, and pray over these efforts. Others can contribute by praying, giving, or by participating in direct service trips to love and serve the community.



Bible teachers are required across various ministries and demographics. They are charged with teaching the Bible faithfully and clearly, and must themselves be committed to growing in their understanding through diligent study, and to living out what they teach. They usually serve on a weekly basis for a year.



The Worship Ministry supports Sunday morning worship services. These include the music, choir and AV teams who lead the congregation in a time of singing praises. The usher team greets members and visitors, and facilitates the collection of tithes. The floral team does weekly floral offering arrangements to add a visual touch of beauty to the sanctuary. The ordinance team prepares the Lord’s Supper, held on the first Sunday of every month, and assists in background support for baptisms.

Different teams require varying levels of commitment, but those serving can expect to be rostered about once a month.