Advent Devotional 2021: Fear Not, Zechariah!
“But the angel said to him, “Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall call his name John.” - Luke 1:13 (ESV)
Read: Luke 1:5-24, 57-80
Zechariah froze in fear. He was supposed to be the lone person in the holy room within God’s temple, carrying out his priestly duties of offering incense on behalf of the people. It must have been startling to realise all of a sudden that another figure was present beside the altar of incense. We learn that he was the archangel Gabriel, and he had appeared to deliver God’s message to Zechariah.
Listen: Fear Not! - This year’s Christmas theme song written by our own Calvarian, Melvin Koh!
Knowing that Zechariah was terrified, the archangel’s first words were of comfort. “Do not be afraid, Zechariah,” Gabriel assured, “for your prayer has been heard…” (Luke 1:13, ESV) God promised that they would soon be given a son, in spite of his wife Elizabeth’s barrenness and their old age (Luke 1:7). God had heard Zechariah’s prayer and His answer far exceeded Zechariah’s expectation, so much so that Zechariah could not bring himself to believe the angel’s pronouncement.
Many would reasonably assume that Gabriel was referring to Zechariah’s prayer request for a child. There is no doubt that Zechariah and Elizabeth would have spent countless hours on their knees over the course of their marriage, asking for God to bless them with a child. However, the situation in which the glad tidings was delivered strongly suggested that God was chiefly responding to Zechariah’s priestly prayer for the coming of Israel’s Promised Messiah. He was in the midst of officially representing the Israelites in making petitions to God after all, given that he was chosen by lot for this sacred task (Luke 1:8-9).
The Gospel author, Luke, was deliberate in reminding us of the political backdrop of that time in Israel’s history. Herod the Great, the puppet king of the Roman Empire, was ruling over the Jews and the people were earnestly waiting for God to rescue them from the hands of their pagan masters (Luke 1:5). Gabriel’s prophetic word to Zechariah signified that the arrival of the Messiah was imminent, as their son John would be the great forerunner of the Messiah King Jesus. God’s perfect redemption plan included answering both of Zechariah’s prayers! What a divine act of provision! The couple had waited all their lives for a child, and now they will have a son who will go on to prepare the way for the Messiah himself.
“God’s perfect redemption plan included answering both of Zechariah’s prayers!”
We now live in a period where change and uncertainty seems to be the norm. Let us be reminded that we can find certainty and comfort in God who never fails to hear our prayers and who has an unfailing plan to deliver His people. We look back and see how the First Coming of Christ occurred exactly as per what and how God had promised, beginning with the announcement of John’s miraculous birth. During this Advent season, as we move ever closer to His Second Coming, may we remember that God’s plan for Christ to rule over all will continue to unfold in His perfect timing, as it always had.
— Written by So Say Yin, Assistant Ministry Director (Youth, EDO, and Missions)
Reflect & Respond:
How God had answered your prayers in unexpected ways before? Give thanks to Him for those past moments of faithfulness, as well as to look forward in hope and trust Him for His perfect plan and timing.
Do you often pray ‘personal’ prayers or ‘Kingdom come’ prayers? Our wonderful Father God in His divine providence, while keenly works in our lives, orchestrates greater plans through and beyond our lives for His good purposes too. In this Advent season, when we remember that Jesus will once again return, now in His full glory, let us also step away from our self-centred tendencies, and seek God to discern how else He could be directing us for greater kingdom purposes through and beyond ourselves.
Pray, Engage, Gather! The good news of Jesus is good news for all - we encourage you to think about who in your life you can reach out to this season to share the good news of Jesus with. Commit to praying for these few people regularly, specifically for opportunities for spiritual conversations. Find out more about how you can pray, engage, and gather this Christmas with our PEG kit here!