Community Beyond A Building
Reflections and sharing from our Calvary community
Tea-time in the courtyard, the bustle of children dismissed from Electric Kids Company (EKC), mingling after service, face-to-face cell group gatherings. The pandemic has brought most of what we are familiar with to a grinding halt. As we learn to navigate the new normal – tackling restrictions on physical gatherings with technology, it comes as no surprise that many of us have felt discouraged at times.
However, in this uncertainty, one thing remains certain; our community does not merely exist within the four walls of the church. At a time when we may feel more alone than ever, it is important to remember that we are all going through this together – kept close by our shared struggles and faith in Christ.
Watch on for this candid sharing from church members across various stages in life, revealing the importance and joy of being in a community. (Angel and Kah Jun are young adults; Han Kiat and Ivane are parents with teenage children; Ke Howe and Bee Kin are retired seniors)
“Let’s not simply wait out the pandemic but see God’s goodness and have a renewed realization of what being in His kingdom is all about.”
Here are some lessons learnt during this period:
On Serving Virtually:
Whether in small groups or at a church service, meeting over video conferences requires a significant amount behind-the-scenes coordination. Our desire to connect and worship prevails despite difficulties.
“I really want to commend all of you people. I am very very touched by the way you all handled online services.” - Ke Howe
On New Perspectives:
The pandemic is unprecedented and unique. It served as a break from the routines we may have grown accustomed to. We learned to evolve while appreciating small joys and opportunities to connect.
“The circuit breaker period was really when we cherished the little things. Even going grocery shopping... so we do it as a couple.” - Han Kiat
Behind the Scenes: One of the numerous iterations of set-ups for streaming and recording services: live streaming the worship-in-song segment up to the sanctuary when in-person services resumed in October 2020.
On Community:
Coming together can happen beyond physical meetups. Learning new ways of being a community, such as through online means, allows us encourage and support each other in the new normal.
For the Young Adults, we had a Discord server. It’s kind of like an online community where everyone can just log in and hang out together in the work day... [It was just] like an online Hospitality Room - when the young adults will go to the Hospitality Room and work together last time. - Angel
On Cell Groups:
With mass gatherings reduced, we now depend more on our smaller groups in church to keep us accountable, as our main community. Restrictions and reduced travel also enable more consistency in meeting.
We bonded over Zoom supper as well. Each one [of us would] bring out our own little tidbits and we talk about anything under the sun. - Ivane
CG in Phase 3: Kah Jun and Angel’s cell group, split into 2 groups for a Christmas and New Year gathering in January
On Emotional Struggles:
Restrictions could mean reducing contact with our loved ones and community. Being vulnerable, seeking help on mental health issues, and identifying with one another can lead to deeper friendships as we walk and struggle together.
I know some of us may be feeling lonely and may feel isolated. But I just want to remind and encourage all of us that we are all very loved and valued by God, and there is a community that is very willing to share that love. Please do not hesitate to reach out! - Kah Jun
On God’s Word:
Some of us might have more time on our hands than ever with online resources at our disposal. We can take the opportunity to read and learn His word, to see His hand in our struggles.
Especially for the Evergreens, take this opportunity to learn as much as possible about our great God. For us, we are so old, not much time left. There’s so many things to learn. The more I learn, the more I realise I do not know anything. We have online bible classes and all that. I think more should participate! - Ke Howe
Lifeway Explore-the-Bible Class: One of the online Sunday Bible classes held regularly over this COVID period.
We are never truly alone in our joys or our frustrations. We have the resources of a loving community, and nothing can truly isolate us.
What we can do is make that extra effort to reach out – to those who may experience loneliness; to those who have not eased into online platforms; when need help or are feeling isolated and lost.
Let’s be reminded that we are a church even when not physically together.
“Now you are the body of Christ,
and each one of you is a part of it.”
Article: Hannah Wu, Charis Pek
Video: Christianne Chua
Published 8 June 2021